Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Won't You Be My Neighbor?

I recently listened to a Peter Kreeft podcast on C.S. Lewis. This was a talk on Lewis' treatment of the three transcendentals: The True, The Good and The Beautiful.

One line from this sticks with me. I think it is particularly relevant for Lent. Kreeft said that after the Eucharist, your neighbor should be treated as the most holy subject. I do not remember if this is from Kreeft or Lewis or maybe a combination of the two. Either way, it is an indictment to me and I'm sure almost everyone reading this.

How often are we putting ourselves equal to, or above our neighbor? How easy is it to rationalize using principles of justice or fairness that reduce our responsibility for love and giving towards our neighbors?

Christ did not ask us to be fair or merely just. He asked us to be merciful and selfless.

I think we sometimes forget how different fairness is from mercy and justice from selflessness.

As for Kreeft, I would recommend pretty much every podcast on his website. My personal favorite is How to Win the Culture War

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