Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Sin Sucks

How is it that sin always seems so real, so present and overwhelming when we're tempted? Virtue becomes an ethereal breath that is barely felt while vice overpowers. Once it's over, the sin turns from what seems to be a luscious spring of necessity to ash. Dirty ash from a bowling alley ash tray.

Why can't we see it for what it is when it comes so close? Why is virtue seemingly so distant?

Can you tell I recently fell from grace?

At times like these, I can understand the temptation to believe in the Calvinist doctrine of utter depravity. Sometimes it feels that way, but that is just what it is, a temptation. There is too much good in between to believe we're depraved.

I am a sinner.

Sin takes something good and twists it, breaks it, and changes it. There is an element of good still in it which the heart desires but the twisting causes the heart to miss the mark.

I think I might, might, post each time I sin big time. That might give me some accountability or at least give you some perspective.

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